Monday 19 March 2012

Updates (19 Mar 2012)

Updates for existing entries at the main scope filmography at AWSM:

• The copyright year for the Thai film BUTTERFLIES AND FLOWERS has been changed from 1986 to 1985. Also, online clips indicate the film was shot with anamorphic lenses. The entry now reads as follows:

Thailand - 1985 - col
D: Euthana Mukdanasit

• I've added new info to the entry for TALE OF THE MUMMY (USA/Lux/UK - 1988) which reads: "The version entitled TALOS THE MUMMY represents an alternate cut, approved by the director, and was made widely available outside the US".

• Jeffry L. Johnson contacted me to clarify details for two Large Format (LF) films in the 'VistaVision and IMAX' section. The wording in the Intro to the IMAX list appears to suggest the filmog only includes feature films shot on 15- or 8-perf 65mm film, but this isn't the case. The list also allows for films that were designed for LF exhibition from the outset, regardless of origination format (whether 65mm, 35mm, HD or digital). As such, I've amended the Intro to this section, as follows:

"NB. Over the years, a number of commercial films have been shot in 35mm and/or HD and 'blown up' for release in IMAX cinemas, though the Large Format (LF) versions are purely incidental to each film's 35mm and digital engagements (the primary release prints). The following films were either shot with IMAX (or other LF) cameras, or were shot in 'smaller' gauges and specifically tailored for Large Format exhibition from the outset, regardless of photographic origination (whether 35mm, HD or digital). All titles were optimised for 1.44:1 aspect ratio".

As a consequence of this change, and due to new info either provided by Jeffry or occasioned by his query, I've also amended two of the entries in this particular section, as follows:

For PROUD AMERICAN (USA - 2008), I've added the following note: "Shot primarily in 15-perf 65mm, with some material in 35mm, configured in 70mm for LF exhibition. Two versions of the film went into wide release - a feature length print running 104 minutes, and a much shorter edition running 47 minutes".

And for THE WILDEST DREAM: CONQUEST OF EVEREST (USA - 2010), I've added the following note: "Shot in a combination of 35mm, HD and digital formats, then reconfigured in post for LF exhibition (15-perf 70mm)".

My thanks to Jeffry for bringing these items to my attention.

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